Lead helix is specially designed to activate & balance the earth element of the south-west corner. Place lead helix at the south-west corner.
This is one of the superb remedies for south-west corner defects like south-west entrance, water body or kitchen at south-west, lower level, etc.
Similarly, in business places, the location of the entrance, fireplaced south-west, etc can be corrected by installing multiple lead energy helix in a south-west direction.
If your main door is at the south-west corner, simply fix this lead helix above or behind the main door to balance the energy.
The location of the master bedroom other than south-west can be corrected by placing three lead helix at the south-west corner of the house
Any other defect related to south-west can be corrected with the installation of 3 or multiple at the affected location
It can be concealed in the floor or ceiling. In the case of a ready structure, it can be hanged or nailed, or placed on the floor